Twilight Love: Mature Loves At The Right Time

Twilight love: mature loves at the right time

Have you ever thought about twilight love? We would like to show you what it is and why it is so beautiful and fascinating. Twilight love presupposes an affection that arrives at the exact moment, the one in which you will know how to value it better than you could have done in the past. In fact, it is not uncommon to have experienced in the past the feeling that a love may have come too soon.

Love rarely warns when it arrives, it doesn’t have a bell, there are no invitations, and it doesn’t go around accompanied by a court that allows it to be spotted in the distance. How we accept it and live it is up to us. However, there are times when it seems that he has been able to choose the perfect occasion to make an act of presence. Twilight love is like that.

What is twilight love?

A popular saying goes “there are loves that kill”, but twilight love is at the exact extreme. Rather, it refers to that quiet feeling of affection and understanding that comes just when he has to make an act of presence. It is a summary of experiences in which the wisdom deriving from knowing what we do not want and what our heart longs for is enclosed.

Boy-who-puts-a-flower-in-his-mate's hair

When our heart is sore with passion and burned with suffering from past events, there comes a time when it needs calm and rest. It is at this moment that the ideal opportunity arises for twilight love to fill your soul with pleasure. Twilight love is calm and peaceful love. A feeling of union between two people that has nothing to do with the vehemence, haste and exaggeration of past relationships.

Twilight love feeds on lived experiences. There comes a time when we know exactly what we want. Suddenly, we know what we don’t like, because we have treasured the experiences that have made us suffer and feel good. From here arises a deep knowledge of ourselves and our feelings which, together with the right person, is the birth of a beautiful and peaceful passion.

The loves of today and forever

Everyone knows that, over the years, human beings experience an enormous amount of emotions and feelings related to love. Since childhood we begin to feel a strong and throbbing heart that needs intense emotions.

Already in full youth, especially during adolescence, an unbridled passion awakens in our hearts that makes us live intensely every emotion of the soul, to the point that it can even make us suffer not being together with the loved one. A first love that is pure, unbridled fire, a boundless ardor.

Later come other reports, which combine experience with discovery. Youthful loves that certainly possess part of what was previously experienced, but which still cannot be considered crepuscular, since they maintain a certain amount of adolescent immaturity and a constant push and pull, although they are laying the foundations of personality.

Finally, after a long process of pain, suffering, pleasure and dialogue, the moment of twilight love arrives. Hearts go through so many relationships that they need the warrior’s well-deserved rest, and they know how to get it: they know themselves well, they have accumulated great experience, and they know a lot about their kindred souls.

Twilight love in cinema

Cinema has made a good show of twilight love. Unforgettable stories, which have remained etched in the collective imagination. Who hasn’t been thrilled by following Katharine Hepburn and Henry Fonda’s wonderful adventure in “On the Golden Lake”?

However, if we talk about skin-deep emotions and love at the edge of twilight, we cannot leave out the absorbing story lived between Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep in “The Bridges of Madison County“. A passion in the twilight of the life of two people who discover that they still have a heart beating in their chest.

We could continue like this, with many truly nostalgic examples. Bill Murray who finds passion in ” Lost in Translation”, Shirley MacLaine who lives it with the elderly astronaut Jack Nicholson in “Desire for tenderness”  or Sean Connery and Audrey Hepburn in “Robin and Marian”.

The beauty of twilight love


When twilight love arrives, you will stop being a slave to your passions. Then, everything will seem simpler. A separation from the loved one in youth seems to tear the soul away; however, with the wisdom and patience that experience brings, you will be able to get through a love story much better.

All the experiences lived, painful or not, will serve you to learn to appreciate the person next to you. At the same time, you will find the understanding you need in your relationship as a couple and for both of you it will create a wonderful union, with splendid and unmatched communication.

However, don’t forget that twilight love is mutual. If you don’t really want it or if you’re not ready, it won’t come. It will not show up if you are unable to understand and understand each other with your partner. Experience and calm are its healing virtues for the heart, but it doesn’t stop being a matter for two.

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