Recognize The Most Intelligent Children?

Great curiosity, careful look and even attempts to communicate from the first weeks of life? These and other traits are what can define children with high intellectual abilities.
Recognize the most intelligent children?

Is it possible to recognize the most intelligent children? It seems that sometimes surprising clues, facts and even surprising mechanisms are present.

One of the most significant cases of recent years is that of Heidi Hankins. At the age of 4, his IQ was rated at 159, one point lower than Albert Einstein’s. However, this little girl from Wisconsin showed interesting talents just a few months after her birth.

Matthew Hankins, the girl’s father, explained to the psychologists that a few weeks after his birth he was already trying to communicate, although obviously he could not yet verbalize anything.

Before the first year of age, Heidi began to communicate in complete and well-articulated sentences. By the age of two, he was able to read children’s books normally.

Genius or high cognitive abilities can be revealed in certain cases. However, as we all know, it often takes many years to recognize the smartest children, which has a great academic and emotional impact.

Newborn on the grass.

How to recognize the smartest children

For a long time, more than the need to recognize the most intelligent children, there was an aspiration to grow genes. John Protzko, a psychologist at the University of California, for example, published a paper in collaboration with his colleagues. The aim was to demonstrate which dynamics in parenting can increase children’s intellectual skills.

The data showed that it can be meaningful to offer infants long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as enroll them in early educational interventions. As we all know, every child follows their own development, there are many individual differences and another factor as well.

While it is always good to offer each child a stimulating environment to develop their skills, it is also crucial to identify the highly capable child at an early stage. We can’t test a newborn today, but we do have some strategies for recognizing smarter babies.

Method of habituation and visual cessation

The visual habituation and cessation technique enhances the child’s curiosity. In any case, more than curiosity, it is an early interest in different stimuli.

Many children show discomfort when they see a face that is different from that of their parents. Sensing or coming into contact with a stimulus other than their daily routine can sometimes cause crying. This resource includes the following:

  • A baby of a few months is presented with a face (by means of a photograph). It is shown to him repeatedly until he loses interest (addiction).
  • Afterwards, we let a few days pass and expose him again to that face, but together with another. To identify the most intelligent children, we pay attention to the following: their interest in the face which is different from the familiar one. This proves two things. The first is the early ability to differentiate faces and remember those already seen. The second is the natural and instinctive curiosity for everything new.

This early development of memory and the ability to discriminate stimuli is a hallmark of high competence.

If the baby reaches the milestones of childhood development early

We know that the question of percentiles in childhood development is sometimes controversial. There are children who start saying their first words before 12 months and others later. These small gaps don’t always reveal a talent or a lag.

However, to identify the smartest children, we need to pay attention to those milestones that turn out to be exceptionally out of the ordinary. A concrete example is, for example, that before the age of one year they can pronounce complete sentences without concordance or pronunciation errors.

Similarly, with regard to psychomotor skills, it is common for them to be able to sit before the age of three months or for their fine motor skills to be near perfect before the age of one.

Sustained attention: the key to identifying the smartest children

Another defining feature for recognizing smarter children is their sustained attention.

For example, parents report that their children at 5 or 6 months remained focused on a task for a long time without wandering. The constructions, for example, are the most engaging for these children.

Little girl with magnifying glass.

Loneliness in infants and children with high abilities

Few children like to be left alone or even play alone. However, we often see 9 or 12 month old babies enjoying these moments of solitary play.

They are not demanding and do not show excessive attachment to their parents. In most cases, they easily enjoy things that grab their attention, exploring new scenarios, stimuli, and games.

This degree of early independence or preference for loneliness is something that shouldn’t be reinforced. All children, and especially those who demonstrate high skills, need to spend time with their peers and socialize. The development of social skills and the correct management of emotions cannot be neglected.

Each baby is unique and exceptional, they all have their talents, their personality, their temperament, which is already evident a few weeks after birth. The most important thing is to know how to assist and respond to every need. Children with great abilities are no exception.

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