Reading Also Gives Meaning To Existence

Reading also gives meaning to existence

I am many things, I am someone who learns to live with humility, enriching himself every day. I am someone who walks along a complex path called existence, trying to learn from my mistakes, from my triumphs.

I surround myself with loved ones, I appreciate the here and the now, I give myself permits, I allow myself whims and I strongly embrace my reality, as well as delighting myself in a thousand of my nights with reading, to live other lives, to wear other shoes. Because books are also part of my existence. 

Those who love reading love the smell of books, and those who love to read always sadly turn the last page of that unique piece that has just finished. Well, that pain is not permanent, because for each finished novel, there are a thousand other worlds waiting for us,  in those pages tinged with a flood of letters.

You are your experiences and all your readings

woman in the cup and man spying

Did you have any doubts? As the avid reader you are, you must know that your identity, your personality, and your raison d’etre were not forged by your experiences alone. Your reading hours have also sculpted you to form the authentic person you have become.  

If there is one thing that you have in mind, it is the way in which you have become passionate about books and reading. Maybe because you always saw a lot of books in your home, because your parents told you to read. It is  likely that you have been enchanted forever by a particular title and that, in some way, it is precisely this that has opened the doors to the indisputable pleasure of reading.

In fact, it is common to remember fondly the first stories of childhood or adolescence. Unforgettable discoveries that have made us what we are. We know that we like to read, that our house is now small compared to the torrents of novels we own, where time and dust cannot deprive them of their splendor, but…. Have you ever thought about everything books do for you?

  • Reading is a form of daily freedom, which offers us refuge from stress and worries.
  • Reading is an effective way to build up cognitive reserves. Tomorrow we will have a brain full of multiple connections, as strong as the best of muscles, capable of reducing the impact of a possible dementia.
  • The pleasure of reading is the greatest legacy we can offer our children.
  • Books tear us tears, smiles and also instill in us the pleasure of terror, but we are grateful for all these intense emotions, because they are a form of life. They are part of our existence.
  • Many think that those who spend their days reading flee from reality. It is not so. Whoever does not read flees from knowledge and becomes a slave to his own limitations. 
little girl reads in the middle of the street

Also Read: 9 Psychology Books You Should Not Miss

Reading is excellent daily therapy

We all feel an emptiness inside, we all go through difficult times and experience existential doubts that cannot always be solved by the people around us. Books are an accessible source to many of these issues, and they can serve us as genuine therapeutic tools.

Reading is a way to question ourselves.  Sometimes putting ourselves in the shoes of other characters helps us plan situations, criticisms and attitudes.

Life offers us experiences and teachings, but books are chests of daily knowledge, from which we can extract information,  data and, above all, emotions.

  • All the emotions experienced between the pages of a book leave an imprint in our brain, which lasts forever. They teach us, shake us and force us to see reality from a different perspective.
  • Reading is an invitation to live.  And this is one of his therapeutic gifts; it can free us from our daily sadness, to make us feel curiosity about things that, until now, would never have caught our attention.  

Books help children to mature and adults to become children again. They are a key to keep in the bag when we are on the bus; they are our bedside friends and ideal companions on stormy nights.

little girl, owls, squirrels and mice

Reading opens the eyes, activates the mind and makes the heart vibrate, it  is the noblest legacy left by humanity, transmitted to us by our ancestors, and that we ourselves should pass on to posterity. It is an exciting adventure that never ends.

Read also: Reading does not mean living, but it is a way to feel alive
Images courtesy of Jonathan Bean, Vittorio Giardino

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