Take Flight When Others Clip Your Wings

When we change, when we decide to take flight, we could also affect the lives of those around us
Take flight when others clip your wings

If you feel you need to take flight, but the people around you are holding you back, just keep in mind one thing: you will be able to fly. There may come a time in life when we want to develop new talents or devote time to activities other than usual. When we say “I want a change” or “I feel I have to take flight “, in addition to the resistance that we impose on ourselves, we may also find some people around us to hinder us.

It can happen within the couple as well as in the family. Every process of personal development and change presents difficulties. The one we are talking about today is one of the most common.

Life is not static. Things change, people evolve and they don’t always do it all together in the same direction. This is why it is important to understand why the people close to us do not always support the changes we choose to face. With their attitude, they can become one of the hardest obstacles to overcome. 

Barefoot girl on the street

Let’s find out how to take flight even when others prevent us.

Why does this happen?

First of all, it must be considered that any process of personal change or development does not exclusively concern the person who carries it out, unless they live completely isolated. We are still part of a world made, first of all, by many other people. When we change, when we decide to take flight, we could also affect the lives of those around us. These people may feel compelled to reshape their lives based on our choices, a price they are often reluctant to pay.

A change, especially if it is profound, is always a little frightening. But when it is necessary, even the strongest fear is overcome by the desire to get out of one’s comfort zone. Predicting the reactions of those to whom our change does not bring anything positive will lead us to make a natural selection of relationships that can last even after.

In these moments, the origin of the relationship between us and the people around us becomes clear. But beware: interpreting is okay, but let’s not be guided too much by assumptions based on partial information.

The situations that push us to take that step into the void can be various, as well as the reasons that hold us back. From going to the gym earlier and having to annoy those who open it for us, to bothering our partner because we signed up for a course that makes us come home later, and now it’s his turn to prepare dinner.

Taking flight and the process of change

Any change is a complex process that requires you to overcome several obstacles. The elements that come into play are varied, and self-knowledge becomes a determining factor. It is in these cases that one’s qualities and weaknesses are analyzed. They are moments of self-reflection.

Changes and personal development can appear in moments of more or less severe crisis that push a person to find a better life purpose. The desire to take flight is very often an encounter with one’s limits, it forces the individual to face many of his fears. This puts loved ones in a situation of uncertainty, as they do not know to what extent this change will affect them.

Person with arms outstretched to the sky

“My fears are enough …”

In these moments it is easy to have to face even the projections of the fears of the people close to us. Our partner may fear that if we arrive home so late something will happen to us. We talk about fears closely linked to us: the same ones that parents feel, for example, when a child announces that he wants to change his studies. On the other hand, it also happens that some people feel that they cannot change, and consequently think that others should not change either.

If you find yourself at a time in your life where you feel a change is appropriate, if you believe you can improve an aspect of yourself, focus on this. Your loved ones will be able to support you or not. If these people are meant to be part of your new life, they will stay by your side. If not, they will be part of the change.

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