I Like People Who Know How To Be A Sun When Life Is Covered In Clouds

I like people who know how to be a sun when life is covered in clouds

There are people who know how to stand by us when we need them most. There are people who know how to be a sun in moments when clouds cover our life, which gets trapped in a storm that doesn’t want us out.

The truth is that there are special people who know how to recognize in themselves the beauty of a smile that comes from the soul, who do not deceive others and who show themselves to be just and serene with themselves and with the world. A rare species, of course, but not entirely extinct.

Obviously, like everyone, even these people who know how to “be a sun” make some mistakes and have flaws, yet they stand out from the others because they are able to light up with a smile a day covered by clouds, negative thoughts and ugly ones experiences. This article of ours is dedicated to them .

hands energy

The importance of listening with empathy

Listening empathically or actively is a typical skill of people who know how to “be a sun on a day in darkness”. Thanks to this practice, it is possible to listen and capture the emotional and personal message that those who have just had a difficult day want to convey.

A person who knows how to listen with empathy pays attention to his interlocutor with the intention of understanding his feelings and appreciating the point of view from which he interprets the bad day he is experiencing. Because only in this way is it possible to understand the picture that surrounds the moment that that person is facing.

Friends holding hands

In this way, our brain, which leaves nothing to chance, conceives this involvement as a sincere and affectionate interest, which favors the production of substances such as serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin, which facilitate the birth of a bond. emotional.

Patient hearts that know how to listen

As we have mentioned in other articles, sad eyes need fewer words and more hugs. Because, when we’ve just had a bad day, we appreciate a patient heart listening to us more than a bright mind talking to us.

This means that it is a way of giving oneself permission to feel emotions and to understand, putting aside the negation of the latter and, therefore, leaving behind the terrain of misunderstanding and the uncertainty of feeling alone in a moment in which we need patient and unconditional company.


Thus, having someone by your side who is an expert in “behaving like a sun” during the darkest days, allows us to move forward along a highway  and not along a secondary road in bad condition that forces us to stop 20 times before we can reach the destination of our well-being.

Humility, simplicity and goodness are three fundamental pillars that help us to “be a sun”

when we drown in an ocean of confusion and trouble. To be truly great people, you have to be next to people, not on top of them.

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