5 Ways To Relax

5 ways to relax

All day always in a hurry: “I arrive late for work, I have to deliver a report, I have to study for an exam, I have to prepare dinner, the children have to go to school”… and the list goes on.

This is why the very famous (unfortunately) stress is the number 1 enemy in today’s society. It seems like we are always running out of time and it is because of this frenetic, almost desperate rhythm, that diseases and problems appear, such as anxiety, depression, nerves, muscle aches, to name a few.

It is important to “stop” for a while with a rest and relaxation session. It won’t take long and the results are guaranteed and very effective. Leave the problems, responsibilities and daily routine aside to think about serenity, tranquility and well-being, even if just for a few minutes. It is not difficult, you just have to try and enjoy some relaxation.

5 steps to relax and eliminate stress

1. Breathe deeply : It has been shown that in a time of great tension, such as a busy day at work or an argument with your partner, breathing until your lungs are full is a way to automatically relax. Try it and you will see. Look for a quiet place, away from the noise and not frequented by other people. It can be the office, your room or a park. Close your eyes and inhale through your nose slowly and deeply. just think of the air that is entering your body. When you feel that you have completely filled your lungs, hold your breath for a few seconds and then slowly exhale through your mouth. You don’t have to think about anything other than focusing on the air that enters and leaves your body. Take 20 deep breaths like this. Take a break and repeat the exercise. Do this whenever you feel the need, until you are completely calm. For best results, with each exhalation, mentally repeat “I am relaxed and there is nothing disturbing me”.

2. Imagine a white wall : some think of a white painting, it’s the same thing. In the same place that you have chosen for the previous exercise or another, close your eyes and imagine a white wall or a white painting in front of you, with its imperfections and its details. Just focus on this and your mind will have no room for anything else. It will help you to “break” the circle of ruminant thoughts, an expression with which psychologists refer to continuous brain conversations.

3. Listen to relaxing music : You know more than anyone else what you need to relax. Do you know the saying “music calms wild beasts”? Nothing closer to reality. A sweet melody, with few words, for example, will help you to relieve tension. Among the most listened to genres are classical music and also ambient or new age music. Find the sound that is able to restore your calm. Close your eyes and focus your attention on the music, abandon yourself completely to the melody, imagine the notes that envelop you and help eliminate stress, think of a flowing river, the wind that takes away all the bad things and the clouds of the sky that disappear until it is completely celestial with the sun shining.

4. Enjoy nature : being in contact with bushes, birds, fresh air, trees, flowers, butterflies, the sea is truly a relaxing thing. We are not saying that it is enough to go to the beach or to the countryside to calm down in a minute, you have to work harder. When you go for a walk in the fresh air, make the most of these moments. Keep in mind that you do not have many opportunities to feel free, far from the concrete buildings of the city, traffic, smog, etc. Don’t think for a moment about your problems, learn to enjoy the environment that surrounds you, the song of the birds or the evening breeze, the sound of the waves on the rocks, etc. If you want to close your eyes to concentrate better, so be it.

5. Take a hot bath : When you come home from work tired after a seemingly endless day, fill the tub and pour in some bath salts. Light a scented candle and stay in the tub for a few minutes. This will not only help you release tension, but it will also be a way to pamper your skin and hair. You can combine this exercise with others mentioned above, such as breathing, white wall or relaxing music. You will come out of the bathtub completely reborn. Some people, especially women, on the occasion to want to have a cleansing facial, a manicure, massage, etc. All of this will be good for the health and well-being of your body, the important thing is to leave the problems in the office or outside the bathroom door.

Finally, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. If these exercises don’t work the first time, repeat them the next day. At first it will be difficult to “break away” from problems because the mind is made to “talk” all the time. With a little training and practice, you will learn to silence her in the moments of relaxation that you so deserve and need.

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