4 Things We Learn Before We Are Born

4 things we learn before we are born

When we are adults, or even when we are children, we do not remember anything of the experiences we lived before we were born. However, when we are in the mother’s womb, we feel, hear and perceive the facts of the outside world through our senses. The point is, we don’t remember it; nevertheless, those months are very important for our future development.

What is experienced in the womb affects all life, from infancy to adulthood.

Do you believe that, before being born, nothing is learned? Do you think we come into the world totally unaware of what lies ahead? Well, there is nothing more false. In the womb we learn so many things! Today you will discover the four things we learn before we are born: we are sure you did not know them!

1 – We learn what the tone of voice of those around us is

This mainly concerns our mother’s tone of voice, since she is the one closest to us and the one we hear about. From inside the uterus, we perfectly recognize her tone of voice. Our mother’s voice calms us, makes us feel safe and protected.

mom with big belly and baby

This is why mothers are recommended to talk to their babies, even when they are still in their womb. In fact, you have surely seen such a scene, since many mothers do it spontaneously, without being aware of the real effect of their gesture. It is a good thing, both for them and for their child: without realizing it, they are establishing the emotional bond between mother and child.

2 – We learn what the sounds are around us

Not only are we able to recognize the voice of our mother and the people who are often close to her, but we are also able to pick up the sounds that surround us. We learn to perceive the music that people close to us listen to, we even hear the sounds of the movies or series they watch.

baby in the placenta

This is why it is normal for a newborn to calm down by listening to specific music or to be attracted to the sound of a film or a television series. Sometimes we are dazed, but inside the mother’s womb we assimilate these sounds in a natural way; we internalize them and feel at ease every time we happen to listen to them again.

3 – We learn what our mother smells like

Somehow, babies are able to recognize their mother’s smell. This is why, when they are born, they prefer objects impregnated with the smell of their mother. When the baby is picked up by a stranger or someone whose smell he cannot identify, he cries. Is this situation familiar to you?

mom creates heart with her hands

Smell is closely related to taste. It is normal for the food ingested by the mother to be pleasant to the baby. Babies, when they are inside the mother’s womb, learn what they can safely eat : it is in the womb that they recognize what is safe and what is not.

Fetuses prefer the gastronomic flavors of foods ingested by the mother.

4 – Touch is very important

During gestation, do you caress your belly? Do you talk to your baby while playing with him when he is inside the womb? These gestures make your baby soon approach the world of caresses and affection in general. Not only that: the children perceive and know the affection they are receiving from the outside.

A recent study published in the journal Plos One supports the idea that baby learning begins in the womb. According to this research, children respond to their mother’s caresses by touching their chest in a similar way to the gesture their mother is making. Experts argue that this is an attempt to communicate with her.

And you, what do you think about pre-birth learning? It is clear that no one is “born learned”, as they say, but, through the five senses, children are able to understand where the security and trust given to them by their mother and other close people are.

belly of pregnant woman

It is wonderful that we can assimilate any music, voice or circumstance that manifests itself outwardly and know that, then, we will unconsciously identify these signals as we grow. It is great to discover all of this and it is even more fantastic to recognize the importance of what a baby can learn when he is still in his mother’s womb.

“The mother’s womb is an environment that is absolutely suitable for learning”.

(Adrián Triglia)

The bond between mother and child is something very special, it cannot be broken and begins to form when the child is still inside the womb. It is something unique and wonderful. So, did you already know that your baby learns many things well before birth?

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